be treated with eye drops under the guidance of a doctor.


How to deal with:

Can be treated with eye drops under the guidance of a doctor. You can choose antibiotics, antiviral eye drops, wh    oes not require medication. After proper rest and sufficient  me 1-2 drops. If the inflammation is more serious, you must go to the hospital’s ophthalmology department for examination and treatment.

Third, lack of sleep causes eye twitches

When staying up late and lacking sleep, it will cause eye fatigue, eye muscles will twitch involuntarily, ca using eye twitches. This kind of eye twitches are often sporadic, once or two or three times a day, Lasts 1-2 seconds.

How to cope:

This kind of situation generally does not require medication. After proper rest and sufficient sleep, symptoms will be reduced or disappeared. Therefore, do not stay up all night to ensure that you sleep for 8 hours a day.

Fourth, emotional tension causes eye twitching

Eye convulsions can occur in emotional tension, restlessness, etc., manifested as unilateral, temporary twitching of the muscles around the eyes. It generally intensifies during emotional stress, decreases during concentration, and disappears during sleep. In addition, eye convulsions in these cases can be accompanied by problems such as difficulty concentrating and poor sleep quality.

What to do:                                               


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